Upcoming Trip

France 2025

Our upcoming trip will be to France! More details to come! Selected participants will be provided with an all-expenses paid 7-day trip. A tour will be organized with Alyra Expeditions, a travel operator from Canada and a local guide will travel with them once arrived at the destination. The foundation's founders will join this trip, all at their own expense.

The participants will be lodged in hotels that caters to groups. They will be encouraged to learn about each other, the country, tour historical sites and experience cultural and sporting events related to the region. The trip will include airfare/transportation, meals, lodging and entrance fees. Along with complying with local laws, individuals will be asked to participate in scheduled activities and practice being socially and environmentally responsible. Before departing, participants will be required to sign an agreement to respect local laws and to comply with certain basic rules of good conduct and behaviour and respect towards others.